Top 15 Engineering Programs for International Students

Tuesday, 24 October 2017

Top 15 Engineering Programs for International Students

Top 15 Engineering Programs for International Students

To make sure that you have a good chance of gaining employment once you have finished your studies, you will want to be sure that you take a top course and study at the best university you can. To help you decide on the course to take here are the top 15 engineering programs for international students.

    • Process Engineering – this is often going to lead to employment in the petroleum industry as the focus is on the optimization and control of chemical processes. It can also be applied to other refined products.
    • Civil Engineering – this is going to involve looking after the built environment and finding ways to improve the infrastructure both regards to building and maintaining. It will include finding ways to build bigger buildings and ensuring they are safe, and also the development of bridge building and road construction.
    • Environmental Engineering – this will be based around ways of carrying on with the construction and development of areas and still protecting the environment.
    • Structural engineering – this will mean developing products and ways of construction that means that a structure can safely hold a heavy weight – recent earthquakes and building collapses means that may countries will be desperate to have this type of engineer. Earthquake engineering will also be included in the sector.
    • Highway engineering - help is always needed to find ways of building roads that can withstand the heavy load that goes across them each day as well as ways to repair them safely and quickly.
    • Software engineer – computers and associated machines are here to stay and some of the best paid engineers will be involved in computing and games production.
    • Vehicle engineer – this could lead to a job designing any sort of machine although the automobile industry is an ideal place to seek work.
    • Agricultural engineering – with an ever increasing population the world needs to find ways to feed it, and here the emphasis is on better ways of producing food and better machines to help.
    • Biological engineering – jobs here could be in labs looking at ways to cure diseases or design machines that will improve the quality of life.
    • Mechanical engineering – this can cover all sorts of procedures, including working on existing household appliances to improve their use or appearance.
    • Nuclear engineering – providing the necessary improvements to the production and safety of nuclear power.
    • Petroleum engineering –providing equipment that will aid drilling and work towards green fuel.
    • Production engineering – this is another course that covers improvements in machinery that will make existing jobs easier or better.
    • Hydraulic engineering – covers the way fluids move and allows better design for drainpipes and systems making up the water supply.
    • Aeronautic engineering – covering all aspects of the aircraft industry, including air traffic control.


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